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About Us

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Eating And Loving Our Way Through The Great Garden State And Beyond!

We’re Maggie & Bryan, a married couple from New Jersey with a passion for food and travel. Food has always been at the center of our relationship and while eating and loving our way through the Great Garden State and beyond, we are always keeping an eye out for the best restaurants, drinks & festivals that we can find! We love sharing our favorite experiences with you through social media and our blog, and try to spread the word about the many great and diverse aspects of New Jersey. We hope to inspire you to get out and have some fun exploring our state because after all, we are just Two Dopes from Jersey! 


If any of our posts inspire your foodie or travel adventures, please let us know by tagging #TwoDopesFromJersey on social media, or sending us a message through our website!  

Two Dopes From Jersey ©

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